Reduce carbon emission and maximising your efficiency in finding parking.
Car parking problem is a major contributor and has been, still a major problem with increasing vehicle size in the luxurious segment and confined parking spaces in urban cities. Searching for a parking space is a routine activity for many people in cities around the world.
This search burns about one million barrels of the world’s oil every day. As the global population continues to urbanize, without a well-planned, convenience-driven retreat from the car these problems will worsen.
We know what drives you. Your Challenge is to reduce traffic in and around your city. MyTraffic is here to introduce you a tool to reduce carbon emission and maximising your efficiency in finding parking:
MyTraffic Smart Parking System can be fully integrated into your parking management software and parking/permit payment systems via simple web services and API integration.
It’s a solution that can be at the heart of maximising returns on your investment in on-street enforcement, enabling you to make significant long-term savings in personnel deployment and enabling your bays to operate as you intended them to do.